South Carolina law requires attendance of the entire course, no exceptions, in order to receive credit for the course. Should the student miss class days, they will be required to attend make-up sessions in order to receive their certificate(s) of completion. Students should discuss their make-up time options with their instructor if needed.
Tuition, Deposit, and Cancellation
Seating is limited, therefore, RES requires a $50 deposit prior to the first class to ensure applicant a seat. Continuing education courses must be paid in full before the course begins. Deposit is nonrefundable but may be applied to future courses for up to six months. RES reserves the right to cancel if a minimum of five students have not registered 24 hours prior to the start of the course. Should the course be canceled or postponed for more than four weeks, the student is entitled to a full refund of tuition.
Refund Policy is as follows: No refund will be given for "no shows" or after a student attends any portion of the course. At no time will tuition transfer from one student to another after a course has started. Students may attend the same unit in future courses at no cost for up to six months (auditing). Refunds will be given to any student who cancels his/her reservation at least 24 hours in advance unless one of the other no refund conditions applies, or if class is cancelled. If student attends any portion of a class and then cancels, NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN. If you sign up and pay for a course and need to move to a later date, your payment will be valid for up to SIX MONTHS after the original course date (this rule includes the Career Start Package). If you fail to attend the class within six months of your original course date, you will lose the payment and will be required to begin registration all over again. Once a student registers for the Career Start Package, no refunds will be given on portions of the career package. A student may cancel the entire career start package before taking any portion of class; however, once a student has attended any portion of the career start package or received an item from the package (i.e. study aid or attended any portion of any class), NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive ONE certificate of completion. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain his/her own records. The Real Estate School of South Carolina is responsible for reporting continuing education hours. Continuing education students are responsible for renewing their license with the state's commission. Duplicate certificates are issued at a nominal charge of $25.
Testing and Retesting
Each student is allowed 2 attempts at the final exam (with exams #1-#2). If the Student has not passed after the 2nd attempt (passing means both state and national portions), the Student may audit the program. If the Student retakes the class as an audit or paid student, the exam attempts are reset back to the original policy of 2 attempts at no charge. End of course exams are provided through our secure testing site at the conclusion of each course. Retesting is offered by appointment only, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Students must call the school at 803-791-3800 to set up a retest. Courses expire one year after the initial course start date. If a student hasn't passed the final exam within the one year time frame, the student will need to repurchase the course at full tuition if he or she wishes to try again.
Students are able to audit the program once for up to one year from their original start date. Unit I students may audit the program for free up to six months from their original class start date. Any audit after six months up to one year is offered for $60. Property Management, Broker, Home Inspection, and Home Building students are able to audit the program once for up to one year from their original start date for an audit fee of $60. In order to register for an audit, the student must call the school to submit the necessary information.
What are the Continuing Education requirements and whom do I contact with questions?
All South Carolina appraisal licensees must complete 28 hours of continuing education every two years, prior to June 30th.
Real Estate
All South Carolina real estate licensees must complete 10 hours of continuing education once every two years, prior to midnight on June 30th. Of the ten hours, at least four hours must be in a core course. (Our courses have a South Carolina Real Estate Commission course approval number that can tell you if a class is a core or an elective. There is now only one course that offers core credit. A new core course is announced every two years.) For BICs, the requirement is the core course plus a four-hour BIC-specific course plus two elective hours. Sales and regular broker licensees must take four core and six elective hours.
For more information on continuing education requirements and to renew your license go to
What is required to complete a self-paced online real estate or appraisal continuing education course?
Students must successfully complete all modules of an online course.
Our courses do not require any additional books or study material.
Can I print any of the course material for future reference?
No. The course is entirely online, so you are unable to print any course materials.
How long will it take me to complete a course?
Each course has been approved for a specific number of credit hours. Depending on the pace you review the course, it may take you less or more time to complete the course, unless it is a "seat timed" course, in which case a two hour course will take exactly two hours to complete.
How long do I have access to the course?
You have access to the course for up to six months from the date of purchase.
How do I receive my course completion certificate and how do my hours get submitted for CE credit?
For courses taken from the Fast Class portal, after satisfactorily completing your online course, you are given the opportunity to print your course completion certificate directly from your own printer. If you are unable to print your certificate, please notify us by email at or by telephone at (803) 791-3800 and we will be happy to mail a certificate to your home address. For courses taken through the LeapOnline or RECampus portal, a certificate of completion will be emailed to your email address once you complete the course.
Can I take the course from various locations and computers?
The courses are set up for students to access from any computer that is compatible with the requirements below. We recommend using a faster system and a fast internet connection. Here are the requirements:
What happens once I register for the course?
You will receive an email confirmation for your records. You may then begin the course immediately.
How do I get a username and password? What do I use it for?
During the registration process, you select your own username and password. It should be something that you can easily remember. You will use the same username and password each time you log in to access your course(s). If you forget your username and password, you can either email or call 1-803-791-3800.
What is your refund policy?
Refunds are available prior to beginning work in the course.
What do I do if I have technical issues?
Call us, we're happy to help! (803) 791-3800 – Monday through Friday 8:00 AM. to 6:00 PM EST.
How does the course work?
You can take the course at your own pace and on your own time; however, in South Carolina, you must complete the course within a five day time period from the date that you actually begin working in the course. You can take the course in small increments or all at once. If you exit out of the course, then log back in at a later time, you start back in the lesson that you had been taking.
Course Schedule (day/time of week class meets)
Course scheduling is continuous in nature (24/7/365). Students are able to enroll and complete the course at times most convenient for them.
Course Completion Requirements
A certificate of completion for the course is awarded upon successful completion of the program pending the following requirements are met:
1. Complete the coursework according to the terms and conditions
2. Achieve a minimum 70% on the proctored final examination
3. Satisfy all financial obligations to the school
Technical-System Requirements
The course is delivered through a proprietary Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS is accessible online through common internet browsers for both PCs and MACs (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari). Additionally, courses are compatible with iPad and Android tablets. An internet connection is required (high speed is recommended but not required).
Course Cost
Standard course price is the cost of the course, as published on school’s website at the time of purchase. The Real Estate School of SC reserves the right to adjust the course cost at any time before purchase. This online course is not eligible to be submitted to the VA for student tuition reimbursement.
Refund and Cancellation Policy
Refund policy is as follows: No refund will be given after Student begins any portion of the course. At no time will tuition transfer from one student to another after a course has been started. Refunds will be given to any student who cancels their reservation before beginning the course for up to six months after the date of purchase unless one of the other ‘no refund’ conditions applies. Refunds may be given to a military student who is called to active duty and is no longer available to complete coursework, even if the student has begun the course as long as proof of orders is provided. If Student starts any portion of a class and then cancels, NO REFUND WILL BE GIVEN. Once a student registers for the Career Start Package, no refunds will be given on any portion of the career package. A student may cancel the entire Career Start Package before taking any portion of the class; however, once Student has begun ANY PORTION of the Career Start Package, NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN. Partial credit is not given for any course.
Expiration Date of Course
The Real Estate School of SC’s pre-licensing course(s) will expire 6 months after the date of purchase. The student will be granted one 30 day extension at no charge, said one month free extension to be applied immediately after the initial 6 month term. For any reactivation or extension of the course after the 7 th month, the Real Estate School of SC will charge the student 20% of the purchase price for extensions from months seven through twelve. Extensions or reactivations cannot be granted beyond 12 months from the purchase of the course since, in all events, the course terminates 12 months after purchase.
If the course is not completed within 12 months of the date of purchase or other period the student will be required to purchase a new course at full current retail price of the new course and fully complete the new course, including the final exam, if the student wants credit for the new course.
Examinations and Certificates of Completion for Self-Paced Online Courses
Upon successful completion of the course, students will receive ONE certificate of completion. It is the responsibility of the Student to maintain their own records. Duplicate certificates are issued at a nominal charge of $25.
Each student is allowed 3 attempts at the final exam (with exams #1 - #3). If the Student has not passed after the third attempt (passing means both state and national portions), the student must retake the class and pay the full tuition. All exam attempts must be completed within twelve months from the course beginning date. Proctored exams are given in person under the supervision of a licensed instructor.
Job Placement and Assistance
The Real Estate School of SC does not assist students with job placement and does not guarantee job placement or salary amounts upon completion of this program.
I have read the requirements and policies stated in the terms and conditions for grading, attendance, conduct, leave of absence, withdrawal, and course completion. I have read and agree to this Enrollment Agreement. As a condition of acceptance, I agree to adhere to and abide by these requirements and policies with the knowledge that the Real Estate School of SC has the right to withdraw me from the program if I do not meet course requirements, standards of academic progress, or abide by the student conduct policy.
I understand that that a criminal history may make me ineligible for the license I am seeking and that I can request a criminal history evaluation from the licensing authority.
Student is advised to print and keep copies of A) this Enrollment Agreement and B) the financial terms and conditions of purchasing this course. Student's acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement is electronic by: A) student checking the box next to the "Check this box to accept our terms and conditions" and B) clicking "Submit Order" on the course check out page.
The Real Estate School of SC is considered to have signed this Enrollment Agreement upon the student’s acceptance of the terms and conditions of this agreement. This contract may only be changed with the written consent of both the Student and an authorized school official.
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